Hoverboards vs Electric Scooters: Which One is Better?

November 24, 2023
Hoverboards vs Electric Scooters

The short answer is that electric scooters are way better than hoverboards. Electric scooters are the best option for long trips, but hoverboards may be dangerous.

A thorough analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of each option is necessary before making an investment in an electric scooter or Hoverboards. Given the high cost of both technologies, it is imperative to weigh their relative advantages. 

There are differences between the two when you compare the battery life, cost, entertainment value, and ecological sustainability. While Self-balancing electric scooters, which are defined as self-balancing scooters, have an inventive design with motors in each wheel, electric scooters, which are thought of as modern versions of kick scooters, are propelled by electric motors. 

What Are Self-Balancing Electric Scooters?

Self-balancing electric scooters, often known as hoverboards or Segways, leverage gyroscopic technology to maintain balance. 

This technology includes sensors and microprocessors that detect changes in the rider’s balance and adjust the motors accordingly to keep the scooter upright. They’re controlled by shifts in body weight and offer an intuitive, hands-free riding experience.

Traditional Electric Scooters: An Overview

Traditional electric scooters come in various designs and sizes, running on battery power and ranging from foldable to heavier, sturdier models. They’re reliable but might lack the modern flair of self-balancing scooters.

Electric Scooter vs Hoverboard: Which one is best

Electric scooter speed


When deciding between an electric hoverboard and an electric scooter, speed becomes an important consideration. Self-balancing electric scooters travel at a quick pace, with normal speeds of 15 kilometres per hour. 

However, electric scooters provide a faster journey because they can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. 


electric scooter Range

Although lithium batteries are used by both Self-balancing electric scooters, and electric scooters, Self-balancing electric scooters typically have a shorter range between 10 and 20 kilometres. 

On the other hand, electric scooters have a greater range because they are available in a variety of models with different technical features.  

For example, some Joy e-bike models, like the Mihos, have an amazing range of up to 130 kilometres on a single battery charge.

If you are struggling with electric scooter range, you can implement some steps to increase range.

Battery Life

electric scooter Battery Life

When deciding between a self-balancing scooter and a hoverboard, battery life should be evaluated. Even while a hoverboard may travel up to 20 kilometres on a single charge, some e-scooters have an amazing 40 kilometers of range. Lithium batteries provide power to both vehicles.

Weight Capacity

electric scooter Weight Capacity

There are significant variances in weight capacity between Self-balancing electric scooters, and electric scooters. A hoverboard’s normal weight range is 36 to 100 kg, which is a lower weight capacity. 

electric scooter weight capacity is anywhere from 90 to 136 kg, or even more, depending on their model.


When it comes to durability, electric scooters have the advantage because they are made of sturdy materials that can survive knocks and accidents. Conversely, Self-balancing electric scooters frequently use plastic in their construction. 

Hoverboards gain the upper hand when it comes to portability. Usually weighing between 12 and 15 kg, they excel in weight and portability despite their less sturdy structure. 

On the other hand, electric scooters come in a weight range of 13 kg to over 30 kg, with off-road variants being heavier because they have bigger motors and batteries. 

Cost Comparison

When choosing between an electric scooter and a hoverboard, price becomes a crucial consideration. Electric scooters are typically more expensive than Self-balancing electric scooters, frequently costing twice as much. 

When making an investment in personal transportation vehicles, quality must be carefully weighed against cost. Because they are more affordable, Self-balancing electric scooters typically have simple designs made on less expensive materials. 

Safety First:

Hoverboards have a low center of gravity, which increases the possibility of a fall. So it requires more safety for children. A study published in Pediatrics examined data from the United States over two years and discovered that 26,854 hoverboard injuries and 121,398 skateboard injuries to adolescents under the age of 18 were treated in emergency rooms.

Safety takes center stage when evaluating transportation options, and historical incidents reveal potential dangers associated with Self-balancing electric scooters, including the risk of battery explosions due to overheating. 

The inherent design of hoverboard makes balancing more challenging, increasing the likelihood of riders losing balance and falling. In contrast, electric scooters priorities safety with a more stable and solid structure, offering riders a larger margin for maneuvering. 

The final decision rests with the individual, but considering these factors, electric scooters emerge as a safer choice, particularly for longer distance trips, boasting enhanced durability and reliability. 

Are self-balancing electric scooters suitable for beginners?

Most hoverboards are recommended for kids 8 years old and older. Before buying hoverboards you have to do some research. Hoverboards can be suitable for beginners with proper precautions. Beginners should be prepared for a learning curve and priorities safety by wearing appropriate gear such as helmets and pads. 

Adhering to age and weight recommendations, utilizing stability features offered by some Self-balancing electric scooters, and practicing on smooth surfaces contribute to a safer learning experience. 

The decision between Self-balancing electric scooters, and electric scooters ultimately comes down to individual preferences. Although most people use hoverboard for entertainment, with technology developing, there’s a chance that commuters will start using them more frequently soon. 

The choice of the best kind of scooter is up to the individual. But when it comes to safety and being able to travel farther, electric scooters are much safer than hoverboards.

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